Funding partners
The Cheetah Research Project has been working on research for conservation in Namibia since 2001. This would not have been possible without the outstanding support of many funding organisations, partners and sponsors. We are grateful for the trust and confidence in our research. We have received financial and logistic contributions from the following partners:
Messerli Foundation
The Messerli foundation from Switzerland supports us since the very beginning of the Cheetah Research Project. Their generous support for PhD students and assistants, aerial tracking flights, equipment and consumables for the field and the laboratory is invaluable. Without their continuous support this project would not have been possible. We are deeply greatful to the Messerli foundation.
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
The Leibniz-IZW supports the Cheetah Research Project with equipment and consumables for the field and the laboratory and with administrative and technical support.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
The funding body of the BMWi supported the development of our fully electronic box trap with a two-way communication system to capture selectively large carnivores. A corresponding patent is pending.
WWF Germany
The WWF Germany supports various sub-projects that involve applied conservation aspects.
Worth Wild Africa (WWA)
WWA supports us with field equipment and contributions to the veterinary costs for cheetah immobilizations.
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The DAAD supported and supports several PhD students working an health and reproduction of cheetahs.
DFG Research Training Group (GRK) 2046
This funding body support our basic research in parasitology and immunology as part of the DFG Research Tarining Group (GRK) 2046 "Parasites infections: from experimental models to natural systems".
Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE)
The NCE supports several cheetah density studies in different habitats in Namibia as part of the National Cheetah Survey.
GoGreen supported the Auas Oanob conservancy to start in collaboration with us a study on movements and diet composition of leopards.
Biosphere Expedition
Biosphere Expedition supported a PhD student and an ecological study on leopards.
Elevensports Company
This company supported a PhD student.
Private Donations
Several private people interested in our cheetah conservation work support our project with donations.